Services Offered


Chiropractic Spinal Adjustment

Chiropractic care helps restore the body’s natural structure to its optimal state prior to lifestyle, injury or other circumstances misaligning it. Chiropractic Spinal Adjustments are a safe, natural and effective procedure to help keep the body in prime condition by simply restoring proper joint movement.

Dr. Jess checks and adjusts all regions of the spine including the extremities (depending on history). There is no age limit for chiropractic care; you can be a newborn or 100 years young!

Adjustment techniques used: Diversified, Arthrostim, Activator, Cranial Sacral and SOT Blocks.

Cranial Facial Release (CFR)

Dr. Jess is certified in CFR Technique. CFR is an advanced form of “Balloon Assisted” cranial adjusting that incorporates the use of tiny balloons that are carefully inserted in the nasopharanx region and quickly inflated to mobilize the bones of the face and cranium. It has been used quite successfully in the treatment of various, respiratory, neurological and structural disorders.

Click here to learn more.

MyoFascial Release Therapy (MFR)

MFR is a non-invasive soft tissue technique focused on relieving soft tissue tension and adhesion. It is a merger of trigger point therapy, manipulation and movement.

The combination of MFR with Chiropractic Adjustments will do you wonders! (considered as a separate service during payment).

MFR techniques used: Muscle Release (ART), Acupressure, Counterpressure Release (for tendons).